Learning Unity From a Goat

I've been doing online Unity tutorials for about a month now. Here's a peek at the project I'm currently working on. I drew and animated the goat myself, but the other graphics came from this cool site.

The tutorials I've been following are mainly provided by Brackeys and AbleGamesDev, and they've been super easy to keep up with while travelling. I really hope to someday be able to take a class with other humans, though.

As of this moment, I've learned to make and import sprite sequences, create menus and multiple levels, control players in 2D and 3D (kind of), make stuff break apart when you hit it, and do some stuff with both 2D and 3D physics. I still suck at particles and creating multiple conditions, but I'm working on it.

Here's the first project I did in Unity

I'm really enjoying learning to make games, even though the goat game has already been perfected with Goat Simulator.

I'm thinking I'd like to make a game where this goat confronts a bunch of his issues, like feeling antisocial to an unhealthy degree, comfort eating food that sucks for him, and being insensitive to his friends.

But maybe I'll just make an endless runner with a lot of stuff he can break instead. :)

All-Purpose Girlsplaining PNG

I made this in honour of a groundbreaking study confirming that personal computers were marketed at boys. Duh. We needed a study for that?

Furthermore, I think the world needs an all-purpose girlsplaining png that can easily and conveniently be plastered on all future declarations that have always been completely obvious to 50% of the human race.

In case you need a non-perpetuating version that's more badass, the link below includes the words 'No Shit!?!' instead:

Here's a rabbit I painted.

Sometimes it's just nice to paint a rabbit. This little guy's standing at the edge of the water trying to use the branches behind him to make his reflection look like a jackalope. He just wants to take a nice selfie.

Swamp Bunny - watercolor and ink on canvas.

Swamp Bunny - watercolor and ink on canvas.

The three golden rules of interactive display design.

There are obviously all kinds of factors that influence how a display is designed, and how it works. These include things like lighting requirements, durability, intuitive user experience, target audience, localization, accessibility… the list is super long.

However, there are three simple rules that I’ve discovered must be followed in order to ensure that any interactive display is as successful and engaging as possible.

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